Dumfries Y Gymnastic Club rules
Gymnasts must arrive promptly and prepared to commence the gymnastics session on arrival. Please go to the toilet before the session starts!

The wearing of rings and jewellery is not permitted for health and safety reasons. This includes ear piercings, lip/nose piercings and body piercings. Newly-pierced ears must be taped for 6 weeks, then removed after that for training. Please note that all jewellery must be removed for competition. Taping is not permitted.

Cans and glass bottles are not allowed in the gym. Gymnasts should bring drinks in a plastic or sports design water bottle. Fizzy drinks are not allowed. No food is to be brought into the gym. The exception to this is for our squad gymnasts who require a break. Parents are asked to make sure that all rubbish is taken away when they leave the gym.

Long hair may become a hazard and it should be tied back in plaits or a bun at all times to avoid accidents. Please wear appropriate gymnastics leotard. Gymnastics shorts or leggings are acceptable, but cannot be worn for competitions. 

Gymnasts should work in bare feet. For safety reasons, socks alone must not be worn in the gym. Gymnastics shoes can be worn if required. Please be aware of the risks associated with wearing glasses and minimise the risks by making sure that glasses are worn securely.
Contact Us
The Dumfries Y Gymnastics Club is affiliated to Scottish Gymnastics and is supported by The Holywood Trust and ANCBC
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