Dumfries Y Gymnastic Club rules

We ask that gymnasts arrive 5 minutes before their class starts, as there is limited room in the gym. Coaches cannot supervise other children when they are still coaching other classes at Dumfries.


At Dumfries there are blue benches in the corridor for gymnasts to sit and wait before their class starts. A coach will come and collect them when it is time to go in. We also have a small seating area at the front reception for any parents who wish to sit and wait during their child’s class.


At Annan, gymnast should arrive five minutes before their class starts and wait in the  designated area within the gym until their sessions starts.


Unfortunately, we don’t have any space within the gyms to facilitate parent seating at Dumfries or Annan.


Speak to a member of our Team for a quick catch up – please press the bell

Dumfries – There is a bell outside the gym door entrance that you can press to speak with a Coach.

Annan - There is a bell in the foyer at Annan that you can press to speak with a Coach.

If you wish to discuss anything in more detail, please email and we can arrange a meeting or catch to further discuss any queries.


The wearing of rings and jewellery is NOT permitted for health and safety reasons. This includes ear piercings, lip/nose piercings and body piercings. Newly pierced ears must be taped for 6 weeks then removed after that for training. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure that ears are taped prior to arrival or gymnasts may be denied entry. Please note that all jewellery must be removed for competition. Taping is not permitted.

Wearing of false nails is a hazard when in the gym as it can cause severe injury to the gymnast, other gymnasts or coaches. If false nails are worn or if the gymnasts nails are excessively long, then the gymnast may NOT be allowed to train and you will be asked to collect them.


Cans and glass bottles are not allowed in the gym. Gymnasts should bring drinks in a plastic or sports design water bottle. Fizzy drinks are NOT allowed. (We do have water fountains at the gym, however we don’t provide cups).

No food is to be brought into the gym. For those gymnasts who train longer periods and have break or lunch, this should be brought in a lunch bag/box and be stored in the kitchen area. Parents are asked to make sure that all rubbish is taken away when they leave the gym.


Long hair may become a hazard and it has to be tied back from face in plaits or a bun at all times to avoid accidents. This must be done prior to arrival at the gym. Please wear appropriate gymnastics leotard. Gymnastics shorts or leggings are acceptable. When gymnasts compete their must adhere to Scottish Gymnastics clothing attire. Gymnasts should work in bare feet. For safety reasons socks alone must not be worn in the gym. Gymnastics shoes can be worn if required. Please be aware of the risks associated with wearing glasses and minimise the risks by making sure that glasses are worn securely.  Glasses straps can be worn to secure glasses


Our property is protected by 24-hour CCTV, inside as well as outside of the gym.


Gymnasts aged 12+ years who would like to leave gym without an adult at the end of a session MUST get a consent form signed by a parent/guardian to say that they can do so. Please click the link below or copy and paste link:


Any gymnast leaving gym early, must have a responsible adult to collect them, even if they are aged 12+ years and have a consent form signed. This is because it is out with their training times.



In the event of a late collection:

If parent / carers are late to pick up their child, the wellbeing of the child will take precedence and they will not be left alone.

Coaches, volunteers and staff have a duty of care to the children in their sessions and this continues even when the activity has finished.

We will attempt to contact the parent / carer and if they don’t answer we will leave a voicemail. (Please ensure that your details are kept up to date via Class4Kids. This is this responsibility of the account holder).

If the child is still not collected within 15 minutes, we will then contact their 2nd contact and if we are unable to reach them, we will notify the safeguarding officer to discuss next steps - notify the police / social work to report and seek advice on the NON-COLLECTION of a child.

We will reassure and keep the child calm throughout this process as any missed collections can be stressful and upsetting for children.


The Club is not responsible for any personal belongings brought to the club such as mobile phones; these are left in their bags / cubby at their own risk. We cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to these items.

Contact Us
The Dumfries Y Gymnastics Club is affiliated to Scottish Gymnastics and is supported by The Holywood Trust and ANCBC
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