We do not tolerate bullying in any form

Bullying can be a complex behaviour which leaves people feeling helpless, frightened, anxious, depressed or humiliated. It should be defined by the person or people affected. It is therefore not always easy to narrow down behaviours into a statement which will cover all actions and situations. However, it is important to recognise and acknowledge bullying behaviours so we can identify them when they are happening.


Bullying behaviours can include situations within the gymnastics session such as name calling, being put down or threatened, being ignored or left out or having rumours spread.


Bullying behaviours can also happen out with the session and by ‘cyberbullying’ where threats or harmful remarks can be made by text, email, or on social media sites and message boards.


The Club will take any allegation of bullying seriously, and will deal with it according to the Scottish Gymnastics anti-bullying procedures:

Dumfries Y Gymnastics clubs adopts Scottish Gymnastics Anti Bullying Policy which can be found by clicking on the button below.

If a parent is concerned that their gymnast is being bullied within the session, they should speak to their child’s coach in the first instance. Where the situation cannot be resolved, or is one of a particularly serious nature, the Club Child Protection Officer will be contacted for advice and, if necessary, independent action.


SG- Anti Bullying Policy
The Dumfries Y Gymnastics Club is affiliated to Scottish Gymnastics and is supported by The Holywood Trust and ANCBC
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